Friday 20 September 2013


It's that time again, when I've stay up hideously late to watch the Worlds.  I've really enjoyed watching them, and also listening to the great analyst panel staring Monte, Doublelift and Krepo.  I actually have a little more respect for Doublelift now than I did before, and Krepo will always have a wee place in my heart, for being an awesome support.

So here's a wee list of what I've noticed on the supports from the championship thus far.

Most of the games in the World Championships have mostly been decided by pink wards and positioning.  It is really rare to see any of the supports with more than one or two full items (excluding sight stone).  I think most people know the importance of warding, and more specifically warding in the right places, and it is really interesting to see the mega use of vision wards.  I can't help but compare the warding in these games to solo queue and I wish if anyone took anything from these games it would to always buy a ward.  We all know the story of the laner who never wards but always get ganked by the jungler and somehow it is always the fault of someone else (sigh).  I know that I always feel more relaxed when I can see what is going on in the map, and it makes me play better as I don't have that anxious feeling when I know they are in the brush, but I need to ward . . .

Mobility boots still seem to be the popular choice for supports, and I agree.  It is just so much easier to whizz through the rift warding the places you need to without having the pressure of coming face to face a member of the enemy team.

Popular Choices:  Zyra and Sona have been banned a few times through the World Championship.  Personally, I only recently started playing Zyra as a support but I can see why she would be banned; her poke alone is a lot to handle in-lane if played well.  I've seen a lot of people take a huge amount of ap and the poke can get really crazy if not controlled.  Most of the championship Zyra's taken a more standard 30arm/30mr approach; I always think that taking less than 30arm as a support on bot-lane is really risky, as you can get poked down so easily, but I've also seen many who take full ap and dominate their lane. I suppose it depends on your own play-style as a support and how confident you are in your own ability to harass efficiently without taking too much damage.

Sona: Again, I haven't played a lot of her this season but her ult is just too good for initiating fights.  I kinda get scared playing Sona in Ranked; on occasion it is up to you to make good calls in terms of team fighting and laying down your ultimate in a really precise manner.  If my team is behind and  one Sona ult could make or break a game, it becomes an insane amount of pressure to me.  We have all seen it with Sona players in the championships that fail an ult.  It's a huge amount of time that crowd control is down and is a great time for the enemy team to counter a team fight.  After watching the championship games I picked her up in a few ranked games and I forgot just how much sustain and poke she has if played well.  She is definitely a support I will pick up more often.

It would be nice to see some other supports or any other champion other than the same usual suspects repeated over and over again: Arhi, Zac, Sona, Zyra, Elise in these games (go FNATIC for picking Ashe). Oh, and if you happen to be in a ranked game with me and choose Arhi for mid, then please do not think you can dive into 5 people because you saw Faker do it; you'll just get caught and leave me and the rest of the team in a 4v5 messy team fight.  I lost 60 lp due to that Q_Q.

(Again, pictures are not mine! but they are pretty :3). 

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