Saturday 14 September 2013

Sun, Sand, Sea and really huge coconuts?

TL:DR - If you are put off by the size of this, now you know how female LoL players feel.

I'm a sucker for skins, I love them (and shame on you Riot for abusing my weakness and taking my money).  The pool party skins become available and I automatically go to the Leona one.  Now compared to her other skins, this one is vibrant and colorful.  The sunflowers in her hair and the surfboard are all a nice reminder of the good things associated with Summer.  But I notice something is slightly different.  Hair color? Nope.  Eyes? Nose? . . . I then look at the Iron Solari skin, and to my astonishment notice her breast size has almost doubled.  I attempt to find logical reason for why this has happened.

I search Wikipedia for some sort of link between the ultraviolet light and increase in breast size.  Nope.  Nothing.  The sun gives off Vitamin D, maybe breast size increases the more women are exposed to the sun?  After all, her other skins hide her body leaving no room for any nice juicy sun light to be absorbed.  Reaching a dead end with my research I sit with a cup of tea and look at the other pool party skins.  To my disappointment I notice the 'package size' of the men haven't also increased.  Why is this?  In the world of LoL it is acceptable for women with big 'assets' allowed to enter battle and suffer chronic back pain in the process?  Is it too much of an inconvenience for the male champions to chase after someone while it smacks side to side?

Caitlyn: Hey Leona are you alright? 
Pool Party Leona: Yeah just tired. This new skin has made me gain a little weight. I don't think my armor will fit anymore after this 'upgrade'. 
Caitlyn: ....*stares*

Lee Sin: You look troubled.
Pool Party Graves: This new skin...well it doesn't keep anything in the same place. I can't chase after anyone it hurts...
Lee Sin: I can assist you. Stay here. 
Lee Sin Kicks Caitlyn to Graves, the battle results in first blood for Graves and an epic high five. 

Leona: Hey come on guys how is that fair? *hobbles back to lane*.  


So why is it that Riot decides to give the female champions bigger assets and nothing for the males? Is it simply a pure market ploy? I know that boobs sell.  The actual percentage of women playing LoL has been estimated around 10% of the community.  So does that mean Riot decides to market for the majority and not the minority as well?  What about sexuality: gay men and straight women get the short end of the stick?  Why can we see near enough all of Masquerade Eveylnn's boobs but Perseus Pantheon's "People Pleaser" is shadowed out?

In the League of Legends forums there has been a lot of debate about over-sexualising females in LoL.  Bunny Girl Riven, Nurse Akali and Heart Seeker Vayne to name but a few have been a popular topic of discussion.  If you read the lore about Riven . . . do you actually think she would be the type of woman to wear a bunny girl outfit?  I could understand a skin of that caliber on Ahri as she is portrayed as a seductive fox - it suits her lore and how she is as champion.  On the forums some people state:

"the point is, people want it, like NURSE AKALI was a user-made skin what got made into a skin, yet people complain about the over-sexualised females...after they ask for it" - The majority of players being male?

"The problem is that there are a LOT of under active jealous women who would rather complain on the internet than do squats." - How many male League players are built like Pantheon, or Jarvan?  Are they jealous?  No, so don't assume women are jealous, either; it's hypocritical.

"Where are all these feminists that everyone keeps talking about? I never see ANY, except for that one thread..
I'm a girl, and I enjoy seeing sexy girl pixels. I don't care if they're "over sexualised" when Riot is just giving what the public wants. They're pixels.. who cares? I agree that we need some sexy male pixels for the girls who play this game though ;[
But definitely don't get rid of the girls' designs. Half the reason I'm saving up for Ahri is because of her looks really."
- It's not that we mind Riot increasing the breasticles of the female champions but a little fairness would be nice.

Does Debonair Jayce have to look so old? Does Pool Party Graves have to look like my dad 20 years ago? 

Even some of the champions who in the lore have no gender can still somewhat be sexualised; Orianna is not even organic but has breasts, while Blitzcrank is clearly masculine, but where is his junk?  Nami is a fish with breasts, whereas Fizz only has a big trident to compensate for his lack of a member.  Some characters like Wukong and Aatrox who might not seem to show masculine features dispaly particularly phallic features like a huge sword which grows larger, or the long stick.

So in conclusion: vote for Stupid Sex Jarvan Skin and be done with it.
"It's like he's wearing nothing at all..."

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