Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Hell Fire Club and the Princesses

With season 4 Just around the corner: I decided it was time to establish a new 5's ranked team. My previous attempts had been utter failures for many reasons: 

  • I picked friends first and foremost over skill so some were just plain bad...
  • Some couldn't take criticism and thus started the bitching behind each others back. 
  • Leadership wars: Some just wanted to be the shot caller which caused people to get annoyed as most of the time they weren't very good.
  • Some didn't like me talking as much or suggest anything because I was female....yup.
So! with all the previous history I decided to myself that I would take into consideration a lot of things. With no question or doubt I knew one person I was going to invite was my very good friend Naderien. When I said I had learned my lesson about not inviting friends? I honestly did learn from it but i actually need him in my team for a multitude of reasons. 

Our relationship is like Beauty and the Beast: Naderien being the lovely Belle and myself being the Beast. Now before I continue please don't picture me as a hairy tall lion type creature (Rengar?) and Naderien in a dress, what I mean is that he calms me. Naderien and I have been Duo partners for a long time and we know each others play style inside and out. He isn't the best AD Carry I know nor I am the best Support but we both bring other thing's to the team other than our play skill.

In our bottom lane I am the primary shot caller. I love to play aggressively in lane and Naderien knows my style well enough that he knows when to react to it. It is rare that we lose bottom lane and when we do? I blame him (huehuehue). He calms me when I feel im about to put my hand through the internet and punch the player which you assume puts peanuts up their nose and sniff to see if it will go to their brain. We both can argue about our playing and never fall out, we actually listen to each other and become better.

I did want to make this a serious topic about my new ranked team but I have a better idea: I will give you an in depth look into my new team's personalities in the form guessed it...a Disney Princess. I may all of a sudden be kicked by the time any of them read this but in the great word's of the community of LoL "WURF".

                                     EPIC RANKED TEAM PERSONALITY ANALYSIS

Naderien - A.K.A: Belle. (AD Carry).

He is knowledgeable by nature, always willing to research into ideas and concepts in LoL. He can be quiet to new people but once he does know you he is loyal and a good friend. His play style can be perceived as subdued but really he is just waiting for that precise moment to pounce on you for that kill.

Main AD Champions: Graves, Tristana, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune.

Strengths: Good understanding of the bot lane, excellent synergy with his support.
Weaknesses: Can go too deep when ahead in kills, Does not have dancing candlestick friend.

SuspectGod - A.K.A: Mulan. (Jungle).

Suspect was the only one of us who we picked from the LoL forums through advertising. Being the only one who didn't know everyone else he was determined to prove his worth to us with his great aggressive jungling. He is always willing to try his best and give it his all in games. 

Main Junglers: Shaco, Lee Sin,Jarvan IV, Elise.

Strengths: Great aggressive jungling, always keeps the enemy team busy.
Weaknesses: If a gank fails it can set him off edge a bit and then starts to question his own abilities. Needs more confidence!

                                                                        Schneesturm3 - A.K.A - Snow White. (Mid Lane).

This mid laner reeks of professionalism at every step. You can hear his brain working out the "what if's"in every step of his playing. His innocent and kind nature makes him easy to get along with, he also easy to please weather by linking him a funny video or laughing at my amazing jokes (cough).

Main Mid Laners: Arhi, Orianna, Zed, Kassadin.

Strengths: Vast knowledge of the game and his champion pool. Good map awareness to be a good roaming mid laner when required.
Weaknesses: Can be too cautious...well he did eat a poison apple and slept for a long wonder he is that way.

KiNg JaSeY B - A.K.A - Jasmine. (Top Lane)

This guy is so laid back that he wouldn't glance twice at the massive tiger sitting beside him. You don't get any shade of grey with this chap, says it how he sees it weather good or bad. He also sounds like he is in the film SNATCH. Awesome player no matter which lane he plays, an overall good asset to the team.

Main Top Laners: Malphite, Shen, Rumble, Zed.

Strengths: An all rounder good player to have, has great game and champion insight.
Weaknesses: Needs to speak up more...You heard me!

                                                                                    Padami - A.K.A - Lilo. (Support).

Ok.. so she isn't a Disney Princess but her personality is pretty much on par with my own. We could be in the middle of a game and the most random crap can come out of my mouth. To some this can be funny and endearing, or to some they question how many times I was dropped as a child.

Main Supports: Janna, Nami, Blitzcrank, Thresh.

Strengths: Just pure unadulterated awesome.
Weaknesses: Lack of sleep makes me miss EVERYTHING.

For the record this is purely for comical value and all the guys in the ranked team are very very manly /flex.


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