Wednesday 16 October 2013

AD Carry Spotlight With GomezZnl: His journey to Diamond.

In the Beginning, this blog was intended to be my own journey to becoming a better League player.  However, the game includes five distinct roles, and I specialize in bot lane; it's been my home-lane  for over two years.  I wanted to share as much insight as I can on it; but the bottom lane consists of two roles, the Support (which is my own focus) and the AD carry (which I have less experience with).

I tried to discuss interesting topics that aren't as generic as most of the websites involved with LoL.  I wanted players to read this and make them think that becoming better at LoL is not an unreachable goal, that normal players with normal lives can achieve great things and not just the professionals.

I asked one of my LoL friends GomezZnl to participate in my blog and talk about the AD Carry role in bottom lane.  This season he went from Gold to Diamond and has continued to persistently improve as a League of Legends player.  The reason I selected him as opposed to any of the other AD carry's I know is that during the time we've known one another (about a year), I have admired his personality and play-style.  He is determined, persistent and adaptive, always encouraging and promoting a positive attitude throughout his games.  He has always impressed me with his mixture of  improving, while generally being a nice guy and fun to play with (a rare combination, in my experience).  Moving from Gold to Diamond is a tremendous achievement for any player, so here is my little spotlight on AD Carry staring: GomezZnl. 

Padami: I wanna write about you for my blog. 
GomezZnl: wait waaa?
Padami: Just do it or I'll end you. 
GomezZnl: :3


- What are your main Ad Carries? 
"Vayne, Caitlyn, Ashe".

- What did you do or change to improve and become a better player?
"At first I didn't notice any changes that I had made, I had struck a barrier at Gold 2.  My play style didn't change but mechanically I became a lot better and I was more secure with the
champions I played.
I think for me, you have to be secure in your champions.  To know you won't misclick anywhere, and also how to abuse your match-up, for me that is important; how you play with your support and what you can do with your supports.  Counter picking is important, like I main Vayne, which got me through Platinum as she can carry so well, and I learned how to play against through her worst counters.  No one knows how to play Cait that well, just that she counters Vayne.  From lvl 4 Vayne is stronger than Cait.  These are things you need to know and be aware of.  You need to know when to trade and how to trade.  When your enemy is about to go for a minion last hit, they stand still for a second, so you know where they will be for that second.  In that time you get free time to trade with your enemy.  I also go into custom games and practice last hitting, how to freeze in lane and get to 100 CS in ten minutes, and that really helped me get better.  I am not the best laner in games which I can improve on, which is why I dont play Vayne in Diamond at the moment, as I get punished so much but it encourages me to get better".

- Three top thing's you should know about your role?
"Knowing when to trade and how to trade.  There is a saying, "The first team to push the lane in bot lane wins the game".  Why?  Well, first you have level advantage and being able to punish the enemy easier.   You also have the minion advantage, slowly building up a minion wave where they can lose a lot more if they try to trade due to minion aggro.  Last thing would be knowing your champion inside out".

- What do people get mostly wrong about your role?
  • Positioning. "A lot of players who AD Carry have really bad positioning, and I see it mostly in Blitzcrank/Leona and Thresh lanes.  They don't position themselves right so they get caught.  If your in a lane such as this, push the lane and position yourself".
  • Turning a jungler gank around: "A lot of high elo players when they get ganked in the bottom lane can get away. Being three versus two you are out numbered which isn't good, but if you can survive the initial blow out of the gank, most of your enemies cool-downs and summoner spells have been used to try to successfully execute that gank.  In return you have only used a Flash to get away.  I've seen so many ganks being turned around this way if you successfully escape their initial gank and in return trade effectively and possibly get a kill.  Just remember to hold onto your Flash for a long as you can; if you are playing Caitlyn/Vayne/Ezreal you have other escapes you can use. For example, if Jarvan IV ganks you as Vayne and ult's you can just tumble out of it.  It is important to know how jungler's work and how to respond correctly to a gank".
  • Don't go too deep: "It becomes too easy when you have a few kills behind your back to think you can take a little bit extra risk then you go too deep and die.  It just ruins your advantage".

- Do you think playing other lanes helps to improve overall as a player?

"Yeah definatley, even though I say I suck in other lanes, but I try to play other lanes in order to understand the champions and what I could be up against".

- Do you think experimenting with different builds or tactics in ranked queue is a good idea?

"Yeah, trying a new build, you need the pressure of ranked to see if it really works, cause you will have people try harding as much as you.  You can also try it out on normals but it just isn't the same atmosphere or tension as you get in ranked"

- Do you think state of mind is an important factor when playing ranked?
"Yeah really important, it's the difference between winning and losing.  I encourage my team always in ranked.  If someone flames I'll try calm down the situation.  If your in a losing mood?  Well guess what?  You will probably lose".

- How do you adapt your play style in solo queue when you have a support you've never played with?

"I believe the Support carries the bottom lane in lane.  In champ select, I can tell if my Support is good or not.  If someone calls Support then I think to myself,  "I can play any AD", as I know that person plays it as their main role.  If no one calls it, then I need to play safer and pick safer.  If my Support doesn't help me put pressure in the lane, I'll play safe and farm to my turret as close as possible.  If I play Caitlyn, I can push them out in lane if the Support has warded enough.  Unless someone says they want to play Support, I don't trust them to play it.  I also main Support in Diamond, and I feel I can carry my AD through the lane and be successful in team fights because I have a really good knowledge of both roles".

- Final thoughts?
"When you get to a level such a Platinum, players do understand the game but they become so mechanical it becomes so easy to read their actions, like they've read the manual and following it word by word.  Know your Champion and be able to make plays with them, take a chance and win games".

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