Thursday 10 October 2013

No Flame: Win Game.

I found a little advertisement recently that Riot released, regarding team work; here's the link for your delightful entertainment. (

It is obvious to the player with average intelligence that teamwork, more than anything else, wins League of Legends.  Yet with an estimated 32 million active players playing LoL monthly, it seems the overwhelming majority of them don't know a thing about the essence of team play.  Some players believe in the 'elo hell', that when you climb the elo ladder people seem to play and co-ordinate better. I can say with 100% certainty that this is untrue.; people have bad players and bad games no matter what elo you are, and it is silly to think that higher elo players don't make mistakes.

When I was in the Silver League, I didn't know much about teamwork and the general understanding I had from my games was that each person had to win their lane in order to win, and in return you win the game.  As I progressed it became clear to me that in games where I felt my team was getting stomped on, it was generally due to their team grouping a lot faster than we did, and playing as a unit more effectively.  I became more aware of the map and began to become a better player by looking at my team overall and using teamwork to win.  You could have over 300 farm in your lane and be fed fit to burst, but if you intend to sit firmly in your lane for the rest of the game then you are useless.  Even if you're Nasus leveling up that Q in top lane, if your team is 14-2 ahead on kills and you still sit top?  It's not going to make a lick of difference.  I'm not going to tell you the tips that everyone else is: I'm going to tell you the hurtful truths some players really need to hear.

                                                                   Hurtful Truths 
  •  Don't rage when you give away first blood or die to a gank.   You decide to type something randomly angry on the all-chat or your own chat; maybe instead of getting annoyed instantly and deciding to start the flame war, think about why you lost.  Personally when I see someone do this then start wasting time on the chat, I automatically put this person on my 'got to carry' list.  First impressions are important and when you start it with a first blood death then making excuses for yourself?  I imagine you look like a walrus with a joystick to me.  If you give first blood away or get ganked and say nothing, generally no one else will say anything.  Do you know why? Because we are concentrating on our lane, to lay the groundwork for a victory.
  • Don't expect baby sitting by the jungler.  If you're having a really bad game and you have given away a few kills, then buy some wards, play it safe and don't expect the jungler to come save your lane.  It is a waste of time for a jungler to go to a lost lane; there is a no return policy on lost lanes.  The jungler can be much more useful to their team trying to get someone else some kills, as opposed to making you worth money again.
  • Don't bitch about kill steals.  Unless someone is has over 5 kills then don't bitch about kill steals.  No one knows you in ranked, and they don't know if giving you that kill if beneficial to the group, so don't bitch about.  Be glad the enemy has suffered a casualty, take advantage of their momentary death, and continue with your next step.
  • Look at peoples' items before you comment.  If you ask me to ward one more time after that ward just went out and I haven't backed yet?  If you say 'I'm building Aegis' after I've already bought two of the components?  You make people think you aren't paying attention, and they think this, because you aren't.
  • Put your pride aside.  Doesn't matter if you are first-pick or a diamond player elo boosting someone; if you act like an ass you will be treated like one.  You will gain no respect from anyone if you act like you already deserve it and treat other players as though they are beneath you.  You can either treat people with courtesy and receive the same consideration in return, or you can create this circle around you as though you haven't showered for days and no-one will want to help you.

                                                Treat people how you want to be treated.


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